In past few days we have received numerous questions from clients related to Canada Emergency Response benefits (CERB). We have tried to answer below the most frequently asked questions.
Anyone who is eligible to apply for CERB can apply for this benefit by two different ways:
1. Online through CRA website.
You need to have CRA ” my account “(login username and password). In case you do not have CRA ‘my account’, you can register for it on CRA website. If you have never filed taxes or are new to Canada you have to call CRA to apply for this benefit.
2. By phone.
To apply by phone you can call at these numbers 1-800-959-2019 or 1-800 959-2041
before you call at these numbers you need your
- SIN number and
- your postal code.
if you are calling on behalf of someone else you must be an authorised representative.
Both services are available 21 hrs a day ,7 days a week.
Both services close everyday from 3.00 am to 6.00 a.m.(Eastern time) for maintenance.
BEFORE you apply for CERB keep in mind that you can only apply according to your birth month order.
If you are born in the month of:
- January, February, March then apply on April 6 (Monday).
- for those born in April, May, June apply on April 7 (Tuesday)
- for those born in July, August, September apply on April 8 (Wednesday).
- for those born in October, November, December apply on April 9 (Thursday).
In case you are not able to apply on the day you were supposed to or missed your day for any reason do not panic you can still apply either on Friday, Saturday or Sunday; i.e. April 10, 11 and 12.
CERB benefits eligibility period is predetermined by government of Canada as following:
NOTE- you have to apply for each period separately. Check your eligibility for CERB here .